Untitled, Triskelion, 2022 Peekaboo Gallery presents new works by Triskelion (@thetriskelionproject), a collaboration between Perth-based artists Louise Hamill, Andrew Nicholls and Sion Prior exploring the artists’ shared interest in the paranormal, mysticism, religion and magick. Borne of each participant’s lifelong experiences with unexplained and seemingly supernatural phenomena, the project aims to manifest contact with ‘the other’ that countless mystics, magicians and artists throughout history have encountered, (whether this be agents of the spirit world, the drive of the personal or collective unconscious, or their own higher selves).
Throughout their recent group residency at PICA, the artists have drawn upon techniques, processes and technologies from a range of traditions, aimed at ‘energising’ spaces, invoking unseen intelligences, and accessing the unconscious, and undertaken a series of performative rituals, and the creation of images and objects with a ceremonial function. Various works-in-progress from their PICA residency will be installed at Peekaboo Gallery over the coming weeks, in a changing installation giving passers-by a glimpse behind the veil that is commonly understood to separate the physical world from the metaphysical. |
AuthorGotham Studios Archives
November 2022